Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: Strength

The card on the left is from the most well-known and often used decks in the world of tarot called the Rider-Waite. I’ll be using the images and traditional meanings from this deck to discuss tarot in the Learn Tarot with Harry Potter series. The artwork of Luna belongs to Felicia Cano. Traditional Meaning of Strength As weContinue reading “Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: Strength”

Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: The Chariot

The card on the left is from the most well-known and often used decks in the world of tarot called the Rider-Waite. I’ll be using the images and traditional meanings from this deck to discuss tarot in the Learn Tarot with Harry Potter series. The artwork of Harry on his Firebolt belongs to Art of Spiris.  Traditional MeaningContinue reading “Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: The Chariot”

Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: The Emperor

The card on top is from the most well-known and often used decks in the world of tarot called the Rider-Waite. I’ll be using the images and traditional meanings from this deck to discuss tarot in the Learn Tarot with Harry Potter series. The artwork on the bottom belongs to Uphillart.  Traditional Meaning of The Emperor The EmperorContinue reading “Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: The Emperor”

Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: The Empress

The card on the left is from the most well-known and often used decks in the world of tarot called the Rider-Waite. I’ll be using the images and traditional meanings from this deck to discuss tarot in the Learn Tarot with Harry Potter series. The artwork of Molly Weasley belongs to Anna Daviscourt. Traditional Meaning of The EmpressContinue reading “Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: The Empress”

Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: The High Priestess

Traditional Meaning of The High Priestess In the Rider-Waite version of the High Priestess, we see a card that is steeped in mystery and symbolism. The High Priestess is seated on a stone bench between two pillars. Behind her is a tapestry covered in pomegranates and dates, and the pillars to her sides are blackContinue reading “Learn Tarot with Harry Potter: The High Priestess”

Learn Tarot With Harry Potter

I know, I know, bad timing. The thing is, I’ve had this idea for a very long time and I really want to go through with it. So even though J.K. Rowling has put a damper on the whole franchise, I am going to be doing a series of posts and podcast episodes that walkContinue reading “Learn Tarot With Harry Potter”

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